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According to experts, there is a fruit that can cure cancer and is 10 000 times more powerful than any conventional cancer treatment. However, all pharmaceutical companies are trying hard to hide the truth from the public as it can hurt their profits, which is why the fruit is still kept secret. The fruit in question is guanabana, also known as soursop.

Many companies have tried to create synthetic soursop versions unsuccessfully. They are trying to replicate the effects of soursop juice, but luckily haven’t been able to do it so far. The juice of the fruit has a pleasant taste and prevents many diseases including cancer. The tree doesn’t need special conditions to grow in – you can just plant one in your yard for free.
Guanabana facts
Guanabana is a low growing tree that can be found in South America, but also in other parts of the world. The fruit is large with a hard outer shell and a sweet taste. It can be consumed raw and added to smoothies or salads. Soursop is mostly known for its amazing anti-cancer effects that work on almost all types of cancer. There have been more than 20 studies on the fruit since the 70s, which have proven that soursop is especially effective against 12 types of cancer including colon, prostate, lung and breast cancer.
According to experts, soursop is a broad spectrum antibiotic that has powerful antifungal and anti-parasitic effects and can regulate your blood sugar levels. It’s also an antidepressant that can relieve stress and anxiety. Studies have shown that soursop is 10 000 times stronger than Adriamycin (a popular chemotherapy drug), and most importantly, the fruit targets the cancer cells only, which makes it a viable natural cancer cure.

Why Natural Cancer Cure using Guanabana (Soursop, Laksman Phal ) is kept Secret? 
All pharmaceutical companies have hidden the fact from public that there is fruit that can treat cancer naturally as it can hurt their profits. Why this fruit Guanabana, also known as Soursop or Laksman Phal is still kept secret which is a natural cure for cancer ?It is 10 000 times more powerful than any conventional cancer treatment. Its juice has a pleasant taste and prevents many diseases including cancer. Soursop is a natural fruit grown in tropical regions of the world also known as Lakshman or Hamuman Phal (Hindi), Graviola (Brazilian, Portuguese), Guanábana (Spanish), Corossol (French), Zuurzak (Dutch), Mullaatha Graviola (Malayalam). Its botanical name is Annona Muricata.
The fruit is large with a hard outer shell and a sweet taste can be consumed raw and added to salads. Its amazing anti-cancer effects work on almost all types of cancer. There have been more than 20 studies on the fruit since the 70s, which have proven that soursop is effective against 12 types of cancer including colon, prostate, lung and breast cancer.
According to experts, soursop is a broad spectrum antibiotic that has powerful antifungal and anti-parasitic effects and can regulate blood sugar levels. It’s also an antidepressant that can relieve stress and anxiety. Studies have shown that soursop is 10 000 times stronger than Adriamycin (a popular chemotherapy drug), and most importantly, the fruit targets the cancer cells only, which makes it a viable natural cancer cure.
Guanabana is a low growing tree that can be found in South America and in other parts of the world and can be planted in your garden.
Source : healthywayoflife

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