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Naseeruddin Shah says 'cows more significant in India'; Congress lends support, BJP calls it 'PR stunt'

Naseeruddin Shah sparked a controversy after he expressed anger over the recent incidents of lynching in the country in the name of cow vigilantism, and said that he was worried about the safety of his children

गाय से डर लगता है पर सूअर तो नहीं डरता

गाय से  डर लगता है पर सूअर तो नहीं डरता 

इतना  सम्मान पाकर भी फिर वहीँ के वहीँ रह गए नसरुद्दीन शाह जैसे मुसलमान ,महज़ कट्टरपंथी। 

"गाय से डर लगता है "-शाह की आने वाली फिल्म का शीर्षक ,निर्देशक अनाम 
महज़ संयोग है यह ,की कुछ और नवजोत सिंह सिद्धू के दिल की धड़कन इमरान खान (वज़ीरेआज़ाम पाकिस्तान )का शाह के बयान पर सुपर बयान तत्काल आ गया -"हिन्दुस्तान  के प्रति हिन्दुस्तान असहिष्णु है। 

"मुस्लमानों को हिन्दुस्तान में बराबर कभी नहीं समझा गया "जिन्ना की सोच थी यह। इमरान खान के बयान  का अतिक्रमण करता है प्रकाश के वेग की तेज़ी से फौरी बयान देश को तोड़ने के मौकों की तलाश में रहने वाली नेहरू पंथी कांग्रेस का आ गया।हम शाह के बयान से सहमत हैं। 

असहिष्णु हिन्दुस्तान की यह दूसरी क़िस्त आसन्न २०१९ के आम चुनाव से ठीक पहले आई है ,पुरुस्कार लौटाऊ गेंग के किरदार बदले हैं लक्ष्य नहीं है।  
Naseeruddin Shah
Naseeruddin Shah  |  Photo Credit: BCCL
New Delhi:  After veteran Bollywood actor Naseeruddin Shah expressed anger over the recent incidents of lynching in the country in the name of cow vigilantism, and said that he was worried about the safety of his children in “today’s India”, leaders of the Bharatiya Janata Party accused Shah of “fear-mongering” and “hypocrisy.” 
Shah sparked a controversy after he apparently referred to the incident in Bulandshahr where violence erupted over the allegations of cow slaughter, leading to the death of a police officer and a civilian in the riots. In a YouTube interview, Shah said "We have already witnessed that the death of a cow has more significance (in today's India) than that of a police officer."
On December 3, violent clashes took place between protesters and police after the former allegedly discovered cattle carcasses in a forest and claimed that the cattle had been ‘slaughtered’.   In the ensuing riots, police inspector Subodh Kumar Singh and a civilian, identified as Sumit, were killed. Naseeruddin Shah’s comments spark row: ‘Cow more significant than a cop; I fear for my kids in India' - WATCH
Reacting sharply to Shah’s criticism of the ‘intolerant’ atmosphere in the country, BJP leader Ramesh Bidhuri reportedly said that Shah should take his kids to Pakistan “and settle there”, as per  BJP MP in Rajya Sabha, Rakesh Sinha, also did not take Shah's comments too kindly and said that his statement showed his 'low thinking."

In his tweet, Sinha said, "Nasiruddin Shah should first ask Rohingyas to leave Hindustan as according to him India is unsafe for him and his family! An artist should not be part of sinister design of anti cil society propaganda. His statement shows his low thinking (sic)". He also accused Shah of being a part of a conspiracy to "defame India."
BJP spokesperson Sambit Patra also told Times Now that he believed that Shah's comments were simply a "PR stunt." He said, "This is not a tolerance and intolerance debate. This is a PR stunt." 

Meanwhile, rebel Aam Aadmi Party leader, Kapil Mishra, also slammed Shah on his statement, asking him why he had not raised a voice during the 1984 anti-Sikh riots or when Kashmiri Pandits were forced to flee their homes in Jammu and Kashmir in 1990s due to militancy. 

“When the Sikhs were massacred in 1984, Naseeruddin Shah did not get scared. When the Kashmiri Pandits were killed in 1989-1990, Naseeruddin Shah did not get scared. Not a sigh, not a statement. Today Naseeruddin Shah is scared. This fear is political. He must have taken payment for this acting as well,” Mishra said in his tweet. 
On the other hand, the Congress party lent it support to Shah and said that it concurred with the renowned Bollywood actor. In a tweet on its official Twitter account, the Rahul Gandhi-led party posted, "#NaseeruddinShah we concur, do not fear the hate, fight it. " 

In the video that has created a furore, Shah said, "I am worried for my kids...if tomorrow, a mob surrounds them and asks which religion they belong to, they will have no answer." He added that he and his wife Ratna Pathak Shah chose not to give religious education to their children. He added that said that "poison" has spread in the Indian society and it will be very difficult to "capture this djinn back into the bottle".


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